Passengers queue to be screened at Uganda's Entebbe International Airport on May 15, 2018. Medical officers have been deployed at the airport to screen all passengers coming into the country, especially those from neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) where there is an Ebola outbreak. (Xinhua/Joseph Kiggundu)
KAMPALA, May 14 (Xinhua) -- Laboratory results from a quarantine passenger at Uganda's Entebbe International Airport have showed negative for Ebola, an official said on Monday.
Vivian Nakaliika, Uganda's ministry of health spokesperson, told Xinhua that the results of samples taken from a male passenger travelling from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) en route to Kenya have tested negative of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever.
She said the passenger was left to proceed with his journey.
The passenger was on Saturday isolated after he developed fever and high temperature.
Medical officers have been deployed at the airport to screen all passengers coming into the country, especially those from neighboring DRC where there is an Ebola outbreak.
DRC authorities on May 8 declared an outbreak of Ebola in the western border town of Bikoro.
The Ebola virus is highly contagious and causes a range of symptoms including fever, vomiting, diarrhea, generalized pain or malaise and in many cases internal and external bleeding.
Mortality rates of Ebola fever, according to the World Health Organization, are extremely high, with the human case-fatality rate ranging from 50 percent to 89 percent, depending on viral sub-type.?